Monday, June 27, 2011

Laser and fiber optics

The use of lasers in optical fiber is an important step in the technical field. Because of their ability to laser-frequency modulation have been considered an important means for the implementation of information provided. Laser diode (LD) or light emitting diodes (LEDs) have huge power of light which is very useful for optical fibers to create. In the days before there was only ruby ​​lasers and helium-neon laser. Then, semiconductor lasers, their debut. Today, fiber opticsThis technology uses semiconductor laser. Fiber laser technology to assist in data communications, sensors and other applications.

In the technology of fiber optics are laser transmitters and modulators. Lasers help to inject a signal into the fiber. Lasers generate light modulator and the power of the laser light changes on the data to be transmitted to combine. The modulator helps, allowing or blocking the laser light. Issue a single color laser untouched. MaterialsOptical fiber is used in the color of laser light. Laser in an optical fiber is similar in concept to gas lasers and laser diodes, except that a portion of the fiber is used as a resonance chamber, where the action takes place laser is used. Laser and fiber optic communication networks, such as cable companies to help television, telephone companies and Internet providers. They help to increase the speed of data processing.


Laser and fiber optics has become an important part inTelecommunication applications. Currently, high-frequency signals for a laser extraordinary load of phone calls and carry information around the world. Occur in large financial institutions to communicate mainly through the optical fiber. Lasers and fiber optics are also useful in other areas. Retail cash registers and scanners that use the libraries are built with a laser. The lasers are very useful for physicians in a variety of applications in surgery,Diagnosis, etc. They are useful for military and aerospace applications as well.

Laser and fiber optics

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